The veils are falling, the seals are breaking, the pattern is playing out. We stand at the center of it all, yet gaze from the dusty outskirts of the great walled cities of a post-human future. The ancient promise of a utopia, ruled by an omnipresent super-intelligence, is emerging. A system that accounts for all things. An algorithmic apartheid state, built by the well meaning, designed by cold calculation and paraded under the lofty banners of safety, progress and expediency. A technological revolution, merging our biological, physical and digital identities into a shimmering unison. Modification of the gene, integration of the code. Immortality for the few, death for the many. Welcome to the killgrid.
Klaus Schwab - The Chicago Council on Global Affairs [2019]
J. Michael Evans - Strategic Outlook: Responsible Consumption - WEF [2022]
Regina Dugan - D11 Conference [2013]
Ray Kurzweil - Interview - TIME [2010]
Prof. Yuval Noah Harari - Interview - Hebrew University [2020]
In the Age of AI - FRONTLINE PBS [2019]
Dr. Ferrando (NYU) - Course "The Posthuman" Lesson n. 1 [2017]
What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? - WEF [2016]
Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era - Zbigniew Brzeziński - Viking Press, [1970]
The Global Village: Transformations in World Life and Media in the 21st Century - Marshall McLuhan & Bruce R. Powers - Oxford University Press [1992]
The Net - the Unabomber, LSD and the Internet - Lutz Dammbeck [2003]
The Mark of Cain - Jonathan Pageau - TSW [2021]
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Death Mark | Video